© Yann Monel


Collectif Blah Blah Blah :
Zoé Joarlette, Monika Malikova, Mariana Seremet, paysagistes

The work

“Man has returned, follow us!” It was with this motto that the Blah Blah Blah collective rescued an island from the wasteland it had become. Abandoned and inaccessible, the place was out on its own, as if isolated from the rest of the Hortillonnages.  Luxuriant and disorderly, nature had transformed the area into a dense mass of vegetation. But far from being a wilderness, this jumble held many secrets, miniscule, but indicative of the past history of the place: plastic and glass bottles, chairs, a barbecue, a watering can and a jug were lying in the midst of bamboos and brambles, next to a flowering cherry tree and tree trunks invaded by creepers. The three members of the collective took over these relics to tell a story, that of a place inhabited then abandoned. With strimmers in hand, they redesigned the vegetation around these witnesses of the past. Take a walk, you’ll find them again, spread around the territory of the island. No material has left the island: so, the vegetation is now horizontal, sorted and tidied, braided around the perimeter of a half- timbered cabin typical of the Hortillonnages.  Further off, some trees have been transformed into chairs or benches, where you can sit down to appreciate the island from a different point of view.connection point between the earth and the sky?

The artist

Born in 1984, 1985, 1986 respectively, Monika Malikova, a landscape designer with the consultancy firm Luxconsult, Zoé Joarlette, a visual artiste and a landscape designer, and Mariana  Seremet, a researcher at the University of Liège, met while doing their Masters in landscape architecture at the University institutions of Gembloux, La Cambre and the Haute École Charlemagne in Belgium. The three then combined their complementary profiles by founding the collective Blah Blah Blah, which adds technical mastery and knowledge of plants to artistic skills, three ingredients indispensable for the success of a landscaping project.